Twilight Series Resource Page

Twilight Series Resource Page

With the release of the next installment in the Twilight Series fast approaching (Eclipse is due to hit movie theatres June 30), Shepherd Project Ministries wanted to highlight a few books that have been written to help Christians think through the themes and hidden messages (both good and bad) in Twilight.  Each of these books has taken a unique and different approach and each is well worth investigating.  Since you probably don’t have time to read three separate books on this same subject, we’ve written book summaries of each of them.  Click any of the following links to read a chapter by chapter summary of the each book with all the main ideas clearly highlighted.  Additionally, we are putting together a condensed resource highlighting some of our favorite contributions to the discussion from each of the books (to be available shortly).  We hope this will encourage you to not only sieve the good from the bad for yourselves, but will also become a valuable tool to use the phenomenon that is the Twilight saga to lead others to Jesus.

Touched by a Vampire

The most thorough analysis of the Twilight saga of the three books, Beth Felker Jones’ Touched by a Vampire focuses on the underlying messages in Twilight.  While fans love Twilight because it taps into some core needs and desires of our humanity, she finds that many of the ways those needs and desires are satisfied are subtly but critically different than the ways God designed them to be satisfied.  She also mentions several ways Stephanie Meyers’ Mormon theology is revealed in the saga.  (Click here.)

Escaping the Vampire: Desperate for the Immortal Hero

Kimberly Powers uses the Twilight series as a springboard to point readers to the spiritual and lasting answers to the desires and questions which the series taps into.  She defines Satan as the Ultimate Vampire and Jesus as the Immortal Hero, claiming that the longing to be part of the Twilight adventure can help point us to the far greater adventure we are meant to have with Jesus. (Click here.)

Shepherd Project Ministries did an interview with Kimberly Powers, author of Escaping the Vampire Click here to read the interview.

THE TWILIGHT PHENOMENON: Forbidden Fruit OR Thirst-Quenching Fantasy?

Author Kurt Bruner takes the approach of a literature teacher, focusing first on the genres of fantasy and gothic horror so that readers can understand the rules of the genres in which Twilight is written.  He gives a fairly thorough history of vampires throughout history and literature.  He then moves the discussion to romantic love, its true purposes, how it’s handled in the series and how it’s influenced by Mormon theology. (Click here)

Please note that none of the authors desire or intend to tell readers what they should or shouldn’t read, but to give them the tools to help them evaluate for themselves which stories nourish them and which stories do not.

Author Interview with Kimberly Powers, author of Escaping the Vampire – Click here.

Twilight Series Movie and/or Book Reviews:


Twilight Feeding Frenzy

DALLAS, TX (June 2, 2010) Deborah Collins, Executive Producer and Host of Celebrate Women Radio, thinks it’s time someone offered a long overdue reality check regarding the current pop culture craze and she’s not afraid to do it on her daily radio program. Read excerpts from her radio program –  Click here.
The Twilight Saga:  Calling Evil Good
Celebrate Women Radio Host, Deborah Collins, writes about The Twilight Saga with a caution from Isaiah 5:20 not to call evil good.  Click here.