
I needed to buy coffee filters the other day.  One hundred filters.   One hundred days that I can use a thin piece of material to run water over my coffee so that I can drink it without the grounds. It got me thinking about all the different types of filters we use in our lives.

We all tend to use past experiences to filter how we view our current situations, but what would happen if we only used Christ as our filter? Would our lives have less messy grounds in it?

When I started looking at my life with a Kingdom view, and not a world view, I found myself handling situations much easier. I can look at the world through a worldly filter, or I can make choices that reflect Christ’s Kingdom.  I find that this gives me hope and peace. There is nothing that I can’t handle, because Christ already knows what is in store for me and I can trust in Him through all of it.

As I have been working on writing my thoughts for this blog, we received notice that the property we are renting is going in to foreclosure, and is up for an auction sale in just a couple of months. It was amazing to me that there wasn’t the usual ice cold panic squeezing my heart! Instead I was able to smile and rejoice that knowledge that this information was certainly no surprise to the Lord.