The Twilight Saga: Calling Evil Good

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The Twilight Saga:  Calling Evil Good

By Deborah Collins


(DALLAS, TX June 22, 2010)–Hollywood is influencing and promoting the latest vampire craze while many Christians are indifferent about the seductive powers of the books, movies and TV shows that have become a cult.  While some in the Church are clueless others are engaging in all the hype.  Is this innocent “fictitious” entertainment or the latest cult following?  A cult has to do with “extreme or excessive admiration” and the entertainment industry is feeding us an excessive amount of “vampirism”.  For example, there is the popular HBO True Blood series and the prime time TV series The Vampire Diaries.  The most popular by far is Stephanie Meyers’ The Twilight Saga that has sold over 85 million books not to mention movie sales.  What does all this mean?  It is a growing obsession with the supernatural…the dark side.

The Vampire craze has also infiltrated the seeker sensitive Church who has not only embraced The Twilight Saga but will vehemently defend it.  It seems some are more passionate about it than the Passion of the Christ!  Are we so hungry for the supernatural that we are willing to accept a counterfeit and dabble in the occult?  Since we are made in God’s image, we are hungry for things of a spiritual nature and are to fight against the powers of darkness!  Ephesians 6:12 states: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”  Where the Church often does not acknowledge the supernatural, the secular world does. In many churches, the Holy Spirit has been disabled or ignored which leads Christians to feel powerless, so they turn to the Harry Potter series and The Twilight Saga to fill the spiritual void.

Women of all ages are obsessed with the The Twilight Saga that is about a teen girl named Bella that falls in “love” with a vampire – Edward.  Bella is willing to do anything to be with Edward – even give up her soul!  Women are being lured by the romance between the two main characters but in reality are opening doors to the occult (i.e. supernatural powers, mind reading, psychics, etc.).  We are to be filled with spiritual wisdom and understanding not counterfeit romance novels dealing in the occult.  We are to partake in the kingdom of light as Christ rescued us from the dominion of darkness.  (Colossians 1:9-14)  And let’s not forget that Bella wants to give up her soul to be with the vampire!  Somehow, we overlook these details because Edward “seems” chivalrous and romantic!  “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness.”  Isaiah 5:20

What is missing in Christian women’s lives that they are being seduced by the supernatural vampire craze?  What is so appealing about the so-called “good evil” vampire?  Is it that he is handsome and exudes sex appeal that makes girls swoon and women’s hearts faint?  Or is it somehow meeting unmet needs spiritually and emotionally?

© 2010 Deborah Collins

Deborah Collins is also a speaker, author and Founder and President of Exceptional Women, a fellowship and networking organization for women in the marketplace.

For additional resources on the Twilight Series, click here to check out our Twilight Series Resource Page!


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