Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close – Movie Quotes

Quotes Compiled by Stacey Tuttle

Click here to read the Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close Movie Review.


  • Oskar Schell: “There are more people alive now than all the dead people in all of history.  But the number of people dying is growing.”


  • Oskar: “If you don’t tell me what I’m looking for then how will I ever be right?”
  • Dad, Thomas Schell: “Well, another way of looking at it is how will you ever be wrong?”


  • Thomas Schell: “As with anything, if you want to believe, you can find evidence.”


  • Thomas Schell:  “You never know what a key is going to fit.”


  • Oskar Schell:  “People aren’t like numbers. Their more like letters and those letters want to be stories.”


  • The Renter / Grandfather:  “Sometimes we have to face our fears.”


  • The Renter:  “Think about nothing.”
  • Oskar: “That’s an oxymoron.  Like now then.”


  • Oskar:  “Even though he never said a word, for the first time since Dad died, I felt like I had someone to talk to.”


  • William Black: “I’m sorry.  I know you’ve been looking for something and this isn’t it.”


  • Oskar – regarding his Dad’s calls home on 9-11:  “He needed me and I couldn’t pick it up.”


  • Oskar:  “He said, ‘Are you there?’  He could have said ‘Is anyone there?’  But I think he knew.  I think he knew I was there and wanted to give me time to be brave enough to answer.”


  • Oskar to William Black:  “Do you forgive me?”
  • William Black:  “For not picking up?”
  • Oskar:  “For not being able to tell anyone.”
  • William:  “Of course I forgive you.”
  • Oskar:  “I can’t tell you how much better that makes me feel.”


  • Oskar to his mom, Linda Schell: “I promise I’ll be better soon.  I promise you, I’ll be normal.”
  • Linda/mom:  “That’s the last thing I want.  You are perfect.


  • Oskar to his mom:  “You were snooping on me?”
  • Mom:  “I was searching for you.”


  • Mom/Linda: “ I knew you had to make sense of things.  And I had to go with you.”


  • Oskar: “I thought only Dad could think like me.”


  • Oskar:  “I am even glad to have my disappointment which is better than having nothing.”