Pitch Perfect – Quotes

Click here for a review of Pitch Perfect and thoughts about God’s sense of humor.

John:  “Am I right?”

Gail:  “Oh John, you’re so right, everything else seems wrong.”

John:  “She had a weeks worth of lunch and lost it!”

Gail:  “Oh she didn’t lose it.  It’s all over the floor!”

“A-ca-‘scuse me?”

“A-ca-believe it.”


“My fellow a-ca-people…”

“You’re one of those a-ca-girls; I’m one of those a-ca-boys, and we’re going to have a-ca-children.”

“I’m not drunk; you’re just blurry.”

Beca:  “Make good choices!”

Chloe:  “I am living with nodes, but I am a survivor.  I am living with limitations…  I have nodes.”

Jesse:  “So you know German?  No wonder you don’t like fun things.”

Jesse – being educated about movies:  “moviecation”

John:  “And the sock-a-pellas—proving that it doesn’t get better for everyone after High School.”

Gail on the new group of Bella’s:  “It’s refreshing, yet, uh…displeasing to the eye.”

To Beca after her time in jail:  “Awww, what up Shawshank?”

Fat Amy at the gas station:  “I’m just gonna pump ‘n dump.”

Fat Amy regarding her drive-by burrito assault:  “I’m gonna finish him like a cheesecake.”

Fat Amy regarding whether or not she put gas in the truck:  “Yeah, I did…and yet, maybe I didn’t…because I got hit with flying Mexican food.”

John:  “It’s just a friendly competition.”

Gail:  “That’s right.  But a mistake can haunt you for the rest of your life and ruin your children.”


Don’t miss this article about Pitch Perfect and God’s sense of  humor!!