13 Reasons Why Christians Should Love the Oscars

  1. It’s a communal event that brings people together in common interest
  2. It’s neutral, as opposed to other communal events, like Holidays.
  3. Movies are more conducive to deep, meaningful conversations than other neutral communal events (like, for example the Super Bowl)
  4. Oscars generally highlight movies of particular depth and insight
  5. Because of the Oscars, society at large is watching and talking about the same stories for a brief time
  6. You can almost always find a way to connect any story with the Christian life in some way or another if you look for it
  7. It doesn’t really matter if you can’t find a spiritual connection, just ask someone else if they can think of any spiritual connections.  Even “non-spiritual” people will be challenged to think about it and everyone loves to give their opinion.  It will get the conversation started and you don’t have to have an answer.  All you have to do is ask the question!
  8. Asking a question about a movie is a very safe, non-threatening way to enter into a conversation about spiritual matters
  9. You don’t have to see the movie to use it as a springboard into meaningful conversations (especially if you use Shepherd Project Movie Reviews to help you with what questions to ask!)
  10. If you have chosen not to see a movie due to moral and/or spiritual convictions, even that can provide a fantastic opportunity to have a productive, challenging conversation with people (even those who love that movie), if you do so humbly, with grace and love (otherwise it can be very destructive, so tread lightly, with prayer!).
  11. Even if you don’t know anything about this year’s nominees, the Oscars are an easy segue into what you do know – so just direct the conversation to your favorite movies and what makes them so valuable.  (Hopefully you can choose one that does have some spiritual themes you feel equipped to discuss!)
  12. People are motivated to see what all the buzz is about, so it’s an easy time for Christians to take the initiative.  Invite your friends to go see one of the nominees and plan to have dessert after and bring along your SPM review so you have some ready questions to discuss.
  13. Shepherd Project makes it easy for you to use this Oscar season as a means of evangelism and discipleship with all your friends (whether you’ve seen all or none of the Oscar nominees) with their movie reviews which have enough information to help bring you up to speed, outlines some spiritual connections to prepare you for deeper discussion, and gives you probing questions to spark discussions with people no matter where they may be in their journey of faith.

Here are links to many of this year’s nominees (in no particular order).


Argo                    Les Miserables            Zero Dark Thirty         Silver Linings Playbook

Lincoln               Life of Pi                        Hitchcock                       Skyfall

Brave                  Mirror, Mirror            The Avengers               Snow White and the Huntsman


Please note that there are MANY ways to interpret the movies and there are many different ties to the Christian faith that could be highlighted, so don’t let these limit you, let them inspire you to look for Jesus in everything you see and do!

Also note that reviews are posted for non Oscar nominees as well, so go to www.ShepherdProject.com and search by title for any others that you would like to find a way to connect to with the Christian faith.  If you don’t see it, then please feel free to contact me (Stacey@shepherdproject.com) and ask about it!   


by Stacey Tuttle