3 Easy Ways Jack the Giant Slayer Connects to the Christian Faith

Jack the Giant Slayer is a fun action movie based on (and expounded upon) the classic tale.  The movie is a lot of fun, but it can be a lot more than that if you just know where to look.  There are three distinct elements in the movie which connect easily with the Bible.  They are such simple ways to point back to the Bible they might as well be gift-wrapped!

1.     The Bean stalk back-story is VERY similar to the story of the Tower of Babel.

The bean stalk was designed as a way for the monks to reach God.  They wanted to ascend into heaven.  Rather than reaching God, they found giants, which brought chaos, danger and death to their world.

The people of the earth in ancient times all got together and decided to build a tower that reached “up to the heavens”.   Rather than reaching the heavens, however, God intervened and chaos ensued.  They all spoke one language, but God gave them all different languages to speak, so they were spread throughout the earth.  The story of Babel can be found in Genesis 11:1-9.

In either case, we see that when man tries to raise himself into heaven, problems (BIG problems) occur.  The beauty of the cross is that Christ didn’t ask man to earn his way or work his way or climb his way up to heaven.  Christ descended.  He came down, from heaven to earth, to be with man and to make a way, through HIM, for man to be with God.  The beauty of the cross is that heaven came down.  It’s the condescension of Christ, not the ascension of man to which we

2.     Jack fighting the Giants can easily be paralleled to the story of David and Goliath.

Jack fought, and killed a giant, actually lots of them.  That alone might hearken one to the image of David (the shepherd boy) and Goliath (the giant), but there are more parallels.  Jack and David were both left out of the royal army—Jack because of his humble birth (in a time where your class determined your placement in life) and David presumably because he was young and small (his older brothers were off at war) and his father needed his help at home.  Both were blue-collar types, men of the land.  Jack was a farmer, David a shepherd.  And, if I remember correctly, both use a slingshot at some point or other—I mean, definitely David did, but I think Jack did too.  Both volunteered to fight, despite objection that we weren’t equipped for the task.  And both end up earning the respect and the ear of the King as well as the King’s daughter because of their heroics and success in battle against the giants (although that was short-lived for David because the King got jealous).

I could probably go on, but you get the general idea.  The story of David and Goliath begins in 1 Samuel 17:1.

3.     The Ring and the Name of Jesus share a common effect.

There was a magical ring in the movie which could control the hearts of the giants.  Several times you see the giants in the presence of that ring, and each time they were forced to kneel.  They didn’t want to, but they were powerless against it.  If the wearer commanded them to kneel, then kneel they must, even if ever so begrudgingly.  They had to bow before its power, they had to concede its authority over them.

Did you know that there is a powerful thing in the Bible that we are told will have that same effect on all of mankind?  It’s the name of Jesus.  There will come a time when all will recognize the authority, power and position of Jesus.  There will be those who love Him and bow before Him willingly, but there will surely be others who spent their lives in rebellion against Him, refusing to acknowledge Him as God, and those too will bow.  They may do so as the giants did—begrudgingly, resentfully even, but nevertheless without choice—forced to concede His authority and power over them, His place as Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
and gave him the name that is above every name,
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2:9-11)


Questions for Discussion:

  • Did you see any other places were Jack the Giant Slayer connected with the Bible?
  • Did you notice these three connections?
  • We may not build a tower, or invest in magic beans, but how do we, in our every day lives, try to ascend into heaven, or get close to God (through our own efforts)?  How does that generally work out for you/for us?
  • What lessons can you learn from Jack and/or David?
  • Have you ever had to find the courage to fight what seemed like a giant to you?  (I’m not talking about a physical fight against someone larger than you.  Think metaphorically, about some major obstacle that you didn’t think you could overcome.)
  • How do you feel about the name of Jesus (and/or the person of Jesus)?  Do you see Him as a friend?  As King? Do you bow willingly to Him?  Does that even seem important or necessary?  How do you feel about the idea that there will come a day when ALL will kneel before Him, ALL will be forced to recognize Him as King?
  • When that day comes (when you kneel before Jesus), do you want it to be something you do begrudgingly, and for the first time?  Or do you want it to be something you’ve done willingly, all your life?  Remember, at that time He will be the undisputed King; the battles will be over—whose side do you think you will want to have been on?  You will kneel either way, the only question is whether you will be kneeling as the conquered, submitting to the victor, or as the victors, showing honor to their leader.  The choice is yours!

Click here to read a collection of quotes from Jack the Giant Slayer.

By:  Stacey Tuttle