Epic – Review – Bloom in the Light
In the movie Epic, there is a magical pod (like a seed) that is about to bloom. If it blooms in the light, it will be a good pod and bring life to the forest. If, however, it blooms in the darkness, it will be a destructive force that will wreak havoc on the forest. So there is an epic battle to ensure that that little pod blooms in the light.
I loved that image! I couldn’t help but think how relevant it was to the concept of raising children. The Bible places so much emphasis on children and raising them “in the way they should go”, according to the laws and statues of God. I think this is for a couple reasons. First off, they are the future of this world, so it behooves us to be careful and attentive to how they are raised. Secondly, Proverbs 22:6 says that if we “train up a child in the way he should go,” when he is older, “he will not depart from it.” That’s a pretty significant promise—reminds me of the pod. If a child “blooms” in the light, he will be salt and light to the world. If, however, that child blooms in the darkness, he is marked by that darkness and remains in it, unless, by God’s grace, he is saved from it later. (Thank goodness God can still intervene!)
Statistically speaking, the ages of 1-14 have been dubbed the Golden Window, because those are considered the ripest years for leading someone to Christ. Children are the most open and the most willing to listen. Children in that age range who are taught the love of Jesus accept Jesus at nearly 100%. From the ages of 15-25, called the Silver Window, only about 30% come to Christ. And above the age of 25, statistically less than 10% come to Christ. They call that the Bronze Window. This is why it’s so important to raise children “in the light” of Jesus. It’s important that they are taught about Jesus early in life—that’s the time when they bloom. A child who blooms in the light has a significantly higher chance of remaining in the light. A child who blooms in the darkness has a much smaller chance of ever coming to the light.
Questions for Discussion:
- How important is the environment a child is raised in?
- Given the statistics, how important do you think various youth ministries are? Does your perception of their worth change knowing the statistics?
- What can you do to help more “pods” “bloom in the light”?
Click here to read a discussion about connectedness, the body of Christ and Epic.
Click here to see a collection of quotes from Epic.
By Stacey Tuttle