Saving Mr. Banks – Quotes


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Narrator:  Wind in the east, mist coming in, like something is brewing, about to begin.  Can’t put my finger on what’s in store, but I feel what will happen all happened before.

Mrs. Traverse:  I know what he’s going to be doing to her [Mary Poppins].  She’ll be twinkling and sparkling and careening toward a happy ending.

Mrs. Traverse:  Stop saying money!  It’s a filthy, disgusting word.

Mrs. Traverse:  It smells like…
Driver:  Jasmine!
Mrs. Traverse:  Chlorine?  And sweat.

Bell Hop:  Can I unpack your bag for you miss?
Mrs. Traverse:  Young man, if it is your ambition to handle ladies’ lingerie, may I suggest you take employment in a launderette?

Mrs. Traverse, as she picks up a large stuffed Winnie the Pooh:  Poor A. A. Milne.

Mrs. Traverse, as she puts a stuffed Mickey Mouse in the corner:  You can stay there until you learn the art of subtlety.

Mrs. Traverse, on why she prefers the rain to the sun:  The rain brings life.
Driver:  So does the sun.
Mrs. Traverse:  Be quiet!!

Mrs. Traverse:  Mary Poppins.  Never ever just Mary.

One of Walt Disney’s employees:  Walt just wanted to show the place off.
Mrs. Traverse:  No one likes a show off.

Driver:  Word of advice, Mrs. Traverse, if I may.
Mrs. Traverse:  You may.  Whether or not I heed it is an entirely different matter.

Walt:  Here you are!  I could just eat you up!
Mrs. Traverse:  Well, that just wouldn’t be appropriate.

Mrs. Traverse:  Mary Poppins does NOT sing.
Walt:  Yes she does!

Walt:  I love her.  I love Mary Poppins.  And you, Pam, have got to share her with me.

Walt:  Let’s make something wonderful.
Mrs. Traverse:  Well, we’ll see if that’s even possible.

Mrs. Traverse as she reads stage directions in the script:  I think we should say “number 17” instead of “17”.
All:  No one will see it.
Mrs. Traverse:  I will see it.

Mrs. Traverse:  Dick Van Dyke, one of the greats?  Olivier is one of the greats…

Mrs. Traverse:  “Responstable” is not a word.
Writers:  We made it up!
Mrs. Traverse:  Well, un-make it up.

Mrs. Traverse:  Nobody walks.
Driver:  Leisurely strolls are a gift.

Driver:  Beautiful, isn’t it?
Mrs. Traverse:  If you like that sort of thing.
Driver:  Oh, I do!

Mrs. Traverse:  The Banks are normal, every day people.  …They are not aristocrats.

Writers:  It seems strange—the children having a nanny and running about all day when the mom doesn’t have a job?
Mrs. Traverse:  Are you calling Mrs. Banks neglectful?
Writers:  Yep.

Mrs. Traverse:  What is wrong with his leg?
Other writers:  He got shot.
Mrs. Traverse:  Well, it’s not entirely surprising.

Walt:  What do you think?—You’re a woman.
Mrs. Traverse:  That’s a canny observation there, Walt.

Walt:  “No whimsy or sentiment,” says the woman who sent a flying nanny with a talking umbrella to save the children.

Mrs. Traverse:  Money, money, money. Don’t you buy into it.  It’ll bite you on the butt.

Walt, regarding Mickey Mouse:  Would’ve killed me to give him up.  Honest to God.  That mouse is family.

Dad:  She can’t possibly set the table—she’s busy laying eggs.

Driver:  I brought you some tea.
Mrs. Traverse:  It’s blasphemous to drink from a paper cup!

Mrs. Traverse:  You’re an impertinent man, and you ask far too many questions that have absolutely no relevance to you being able to do your job. And you have absolutely no barometer.
Driver:  I know.

Driver about his disabled son’s future:  I worry about the future, but you can’t do that.  Only today.

Walt:  I’m wondering what I have to do to make you happy.  You are wondering that too.

Mrs. Traverse, about Disney Land:  I can’t tell you how sickened I am at the idea of visiting your dollar printing machine.

Walt, about his man-made tree:  3 million leaves and 4 million flowers.  And they said only God could make a tree.

Walt, about bringing Mrs. Traverse to Disney Land:  I brought you all the way out here for monetary gain—a wager with the boys that I can’t get you on a ride.  I just won twenty bucks!

Mrs. Traverse:  What horrors have you in store for my beautiful characters today?

Mrs. Traverse:  The proper English would be “let us go and fly a kite”…although I might be willing to over look that.

Driver:  It’s been a real pleasure driving you, Missus.
Mrs. Traverse:  No one likes a fibber.
Driver:  At first, I didn’t know you.

Mrs. Traverse:  You’re the only American I’ve ever liked.
Driver:  May I ask why?
Mrs. Traverse:  No.

Young Mrs. Traverse to her aunt:  You promised you would fix everything.

Walt:   I’ve come because you misjudged me.  You expected me to disappoint you, so you made sure I did.  I think life disappoints you.  Mary Poppins is the only person who doesn’t disappoint you.

Walt about pain in his past:  I’m tired of remembering it that way.  Don’t you want to let it all go?  Don’t you want to rewrite the tale and let it all go?  Forgiveness, Mrs. Traverse, is what I learned from those books.

Walt:  George Banks will be redeemed.  George Banks and all he stood for will be redeemed, because that’s what we storytellers do…we restore hope.

Mrs. Traverse about her tea:  Pour it for me?
Maid:  You’re perfectly capable of pouring it for yourself.
Mrs. Traverse to her agent:  She’s quite honestly the worst maid I have ever had.
Agent:  Why do you keep her, then?
Mrs. Traverse:  She reminds me of myself.

Mrs. Traverse, crying during the Mary Poppins showing:  I just…can’t abide cartoons.
