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By Stacey Tuttle “It’s because he’s being kind.  Just as he was kind to give me the bread.  The idea pulls me up short.  A kind Peeta Mellark is far more dangerous to me than an unkind one.  Kind people have

By Stacey Tuttle Katniss comes from District 12, the coal district.  Life there is pretty grim.  People are poor and starving, and the working conditions in the mines are bad, at best.  It doesn’t seem that there is much good to

By Stacey Tuttle “All the things I dread most, all the things I dread for others manifest in such vivid detail I can’t help but believe they’re real.  … This is the nature of the tracker jacker venom, so carefully

Here's a question I get a lot: My daughter asked if God knows everything and knew that Adam and Eve were going to sin, breaking our relationship with him, then why did he create man?  Thanks for helping me with this

By Stacey Tuttle After the Games, the victors have to sit and watch a highlight reel—their highlight reel.  Katniss and Peeta were fortunate because they didn’t have to face that alone; they had each other.  Nevertheless, Katniss felt her heart pounding

By Stacey Tuttle “The idea of the girl with her maimed tongue frightens me.  She has reminded me why I’m here.  Not to model flashy costumes and eat delicacies.  But to die a bloody death while the crowds urge on my

By Stacey Tuttle My mom needed something to read at the beach.  I had just finished The Hunger Games and offered it to her.  A sort of post-apocalyptic grim tale of people who are forced to kill each other?  She wasn’t

Quotes compiled by Stacey Tuttle   Sometimes fallling is the best part. I don’t believe in mistakes.  It’s mistakes that make us who we are. Don’t choose the better guy.  Choose the guy who’s gonna make you the better girl.   Click here to read our