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Color change markers are pretty impressive. Have you ever used one? You color in one color, then go over it with a special invisible marker and the color changes. There is something fascinating about things that change color, especially for

Soldier, journalist, and author David Canyon Webster once penned these insightful words: “Those things which are precious are saved only by sacrifice." Sacrifice. It is a term often reserved for the heroes among us—a soldier on the front lines of battle

Crazy Love—Book Summary Book by Francis Chan[1] Summary by Stacey Tuttle (Click here to read a collection of quotes from Crazy Love.) Preface Chan says that when he reads the New Testament, he wonders if the modern American church is missing the point. He writes Crazy

Art and the Oscars By Stacey Tuttle On January 25, 2011 the final nominations will be announced to the public.  One month and 2 days later, on February 27, 2011 millions upon millions of viewers in over 200 countries around the world

A bit of verse, unpolished but honest, that occured to me as I drove home from speaking at a local church this morning: Your whims are more profound Than our philosophies We’d drown there at the edges Of Your thoughts on deeper things   Our highest