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Review by:  Stacey Tuttle What do you think happens when we die?”  This is the central question of Clint Eastwood’s latest film, Hereafter.  It’s an important question and probably deserves more attention than the average human gives it.  As such, the

You’ll be hard pressed to beat Notre Dame. No, sorry, I’m not talking about the football team. I’m talking about the cathedral. But now that I have your attention, can I tell you a little about the great Cathedral of

Secretariat—Movie Review By: Stacey Tuttle This is about out life being ahead of you and you run at it. Ever had to truly “bet the farm”?   Ever had to risk everything?  No back-up.  No plan B.  Ever had to risk it all on

Below is a list of links that we believe contain some worthwhile perspectives on Halloweeen, All Saints Day and All Hallows Eve.  We are not endorsing any particular viewpoint or website, but thought that our readers might find this collection