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Touched by a Vampire By: Beth Felker Jones / Summary by: Stacey Tuttle Note: Check out our additional Twilight Series resources - click here! INTRODUCTION: Twilight’s themes of love, romance, sex, family, femininity and meaning are not only central to the stories, but central

"The Call" by Os Guiness Book Summary – Jeff Stauffer  Os Guiness is a prolific writer and well-versed historian of the Christian faith and western culture. In this book, he explores what it means to be called by God. This is not

Fear and God’s Will By: John Stone In our town, we have a tradition each June for parents of graduates to host parties to celebrate the accomplishments of their children.  It is always interesting to talk with the different students and ask

I'm speaking at a Christian camp/conference up in Wisconsin right now and I've been reminded of something that continues to drive me in ministry. I remember watching a little girl many years ago as her parents took her up to

I'm speaking at a Christian camp/conference up in Wisconsin right now and I've been reminded of something that continues to drive me in ministry.  I remember watching a little girl many years ago as her parents took her up to

Eat, Pray, Love  By: Elizabeth Gilbert; Summary by: Stacey Tuttle  Note:  With 5 million copies in print and a movie coming out August 13 (starring Julia Roberts, Javier Bardem and James Franco), Elizabeth Gilbert’s book, Eat, Pray, Love, (a New York Times

The Last Song Movie review by Stacey Tuttle “Love is fragile and we aren’t always the best caretakers.” The Last Song is a story about love, love in a variety of forms: sibling love, parent/child love, romantic love, friend love, even loving those

Clash of the Titans Movie Review by Stacey Tuttle  Greek Mythology is an interesting mixed bag.  There are elements of the Christian story found throughout; however those elements are usually twisted in some way.  The Greeks invented these myths about the gods

Iron Man 2 Movie Review by Stacey Tuttle “If you can make God bleed, then people will lose faith in Him.” Tony Stark has created a suit which gives him remarkable powers—powers which have given him an almost god-like status among men.  Mind