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Render Unto Caesar, by Charles Chaput Book Summary by Jeff Stauffer Chapter 1: Starting at the Source Reflecting on a friend’s decision to run for public office and the difficulties he faced in being a “faithful Catholic in political life” this experience provided

Angels & Demons By Craig Smith Since this issue of Deep & Wide is coming out right between Halloween, which often highlights the demonic, and Christmas, which often highlights the angelic, we thought this would be an appropriate time to explore the

In Defense Of Ms. Martha Poor Martha. What a legacy to leave behind. She made the ultimate “who’s who” list, but is this any way to earn your spot in the pages of Scripture? You do remember Martha, right? Martha of the famous

Teleological Arguments Craig A. Smith (from the book, The Search) These type of arguments are named for the Greek word teleos, which literally means “perfect.” For the ancient Greeks, something was “perfect” only when it fulfilled its intended purpose. As you might

The Problem of Evil by Craig Smith Occasionally, when I’m speaking at Christian conferences or other events, I have the opportunity to listen to the tough questions people are pondering. I always find this a worthwhile experience for several reasons. First, some

Cosmological Arguments Craig A. Smith (From the book, The Search) The term cosmological comes from the Greek word for the universe: cosmos. By universe, we are really referring to everything that exists in the physical realm, from the deepest depths of

                  Apologetics By The Number, Part I By C.A. Smith Most people seem to have one of two reactions to apologetics training. Some people throw up their hands in despair. “Again?” they ask. “We’re going to study apologetics again? Why don’t we

De-Evolution By Craig A. Smith I have been continually surprised by the Christian response to the idea contained in this brief article. On the one hand, some Christians seem to find the idea threatening, though I confess I do not understand why:

The Secret® Revealed (Transcript of a recent message delivered by author/speaker Craig A. Smith at Heritage Evangelical Free Church in Castle Rock, Colorado. Audio of message is available at   Let’s face it. Life is hard. We have too much of what

Vitamin C Deficiency and Evolution A Creationist Response Lately, one of the most-used arguments for common ancestry between human beings and apes depends on our shared vitamin C deficiency. While this fact is not commonly known, almost all living creatures are capable