Harvesting the Fruit of God’s Word: Part III: Tools for the Harvest
Growing up in the farmland of Ohio, I was no stranger to farm machinery. Although our family did not own
7 Load-Bearing Truths from Genesis
I’ve been reading Genesis the last couple of weeks and thought I’d share some truths that have really been driven
Solid Ground – Basic Principles of Responsible Biblical Interpretation
Listen to this message below. [audio:http://www.shepherdproject.com/downloads/audio/Solid_Ground_-_Basic_Principles_of_Responsible_Biblical_Interpretation_-_Craig_Smith.mp3] Subscribe to the free Transform Podcast
Harvesting the Fruit of God’s Word, Part Two: Reaping and Gathering—Key Principles for Studying the Word
Every June, my husband and I gather our kids and head out to the strawberry patch for our annual strawberry
Harvesting the Fruit of God’s Word (Three Part Series): The Nature of the Climb—Why Does the Bible Need to Be Studied?
The 17th century clergyman Dr. Thomas Fuller once remarked, “He that would have the fruit must climb the tree.” The