Looking for Light in the Darkness
Looking for Light in the Darkness By Stacey Tuttle I was recently researching some books written as a Christian response to -
Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief – Movie Review
Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief Movie Review by Stacey Tuttle Daddy Issues The pervasiveness and potency of the “Daddy issues” throughout the
Twilight1 A Christian Review by C.A. Smith At first glance, a series of vampire novels written for the young adult crowd might
The Princess Plight
The Princess Plight by Stacey Tuttle “Princess”, “Daddy’s Little Princess”, “Princess in Training”,, “Princess with an Attitude”… these are just a few
Watching Watchmen: Why Do We See What We See?
Watching Watchmen: Why Do We See What We See? by Stacey Tuttle I generally enjoy superhero movies and when a new one
Funny Man
Funny Man (Leadership Journal) “He’s just so funny,” she said. Jennifer paused, gathering her thoughts. “He got our attention by being so funny
The Facebook Dilemma
The Facebook Dilemma A Theological Reflection by Craig Smith A lot of Christians seem to be alarmed by Facebook and Myspace. Even
Student Issues: Cutting – Top Recommended Links
OUR TOP RECOMMENDED LINKS In recent months, we have received a large number of requests for resources on "cutting." John Stone,
How to Break Up
How to Break Up By: Stacey Tuttle Once in a while you hear a message that is so powerful, poignant and significant,