Oz the Great and Powerful – Review
I have been delaying writing this review because there is so much to write about, so many things to discuss
The Prayer of Faith that will Heal (James 5:13-20)
Dr. Craig A. Smith teaches on James 5:13-20, including an exposition of the difficult verse which says "the prayer offered
Qua’ran (Koran) Burning by U.S. Church Planned
Terry Jones, pastor of Dove World Outreach Church in Gainesville, FL appears to be going forward with plans to host
Karate Kid – Movie Review
Karate Kid: Movie Review By: Stacey Tuttle “Kung fu lives in everything we do. How we put on the jacket. How we
Plastic Jesus
I'm speaking at a Christian camp/conference up in Wisconsin right now and I've been reminded of something that continues to
Bill Maher’s “Religulous” – Movie Review
by Jeff Stauffer In Bill Maher's documentary, "Religulous," Maher sets forth on a journey around the globe interviewing various people with
A day of prayer for judicial common sense
by Jim Daley, President, CEO, Focus on the Family (reproduced from The Washington Post (http://newsweek.washingtonpost.com/onfaith/panelists/jim_daly/2010/04/a_day_of_prayer_for_judicial_common_sense.html) The news came as a bit of