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Click here to read our Skyfall review.   Gareth:  “M, you’ve had a great run.  You should leave with dignity.” M:  “Oh to h*** with dignity.  I”ll leave when the job’s done.  I’ll be d***** if I’m going to leave the company

Click here to read our Safe Haven review. Katie:  “I just don’t want to owe him anything.” Jo:  “It’s a bike, not a kidney.  Look Katie, the great thing is life is full of second chances.”   Josh:  “Why do you have to take

Largely a remake of Sleeping with the Enemy with (spoiler!) a supernatural twist at the end, the story wasn’t particularly genius, or original, the dialogue wasn’t particularly witty, snappy or deep, (see the dismal list of quotes here), and yet

He had just won a re-election.  The people loved him.  Why mess up a good thing by making an issue out of something as controversial and unnecessary as abolishing slavery?  At least, that’s what Abe Lincoln’s advisors cautioned him.  The

African American Soldier to Lincoln:  “I get sick at the smell of boot black and I can’t cut hair.” Abe Lincoln:  “Well sir, I’ve yet to have a hair cut that will make any difference.  My last barber hanged himself.”   Secretary of

  Dr. Craig A. Smith teaches four sure truths that enable us to face the future with confidence, regardless of what circumstances come our way. Listen to this audio message here: [audio:]   You can also listen to this message - and subscribe to

Hitchcock.  It was a fascinating movie about the man, his wife, and the making of Psycho.  Anthony Hopkins was fantastic, and nearly unrecognizable.  Helen Mirren is always a favorite and did a great job as well as his well-spoken wife. 

There are a lot of different approaches to outreach, but the one thing they all have in common is that they take place outside the church walls and, for the most part, off the church land.  There may be some