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Real Steel – Quotes Compiled by Stacey Tuttle Click here to read our Real Steel Movie Review! You sold me?  You sold me for fifty grand?!  You owe me half! – Max to Charlie (his dad) Do you even think about the stuff you

Footloose – Movie Review Review by Stacey Tuttle So, our conversation went something like this. 36 year old me:  “Oh – you saw Footloose?  What did you think about it?” 19 year old friend: “It was good, but not as good as the original.” Me:

Footloose – Quotes Compiled by Stacey Tuttle Click here to read review! He is testing us.  Our Lord is testing us.  Especially when we are consumed with why. – Rev. Shaw Moore One day our kids will no longer be in our embrace.  They

By Tim Cooley By Tim Cooley, Shepherd Project Ministries Thanksgiving.  It’s a time to reflect and give thanks for all our blessings over the past year.  Even though many of us have perhaps experienced set-backs with respect to health, finances, relationships,