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Unstoppable – Movie Review Review by Stacey Tuttle Maybe it’s a knee-jerk reaction to a culture that seems all to often to celebrate the anti-hero, the person who shamelessly (even proudly) runs from trouble or conflict or maybe I was just wired

In a Stable by Missy Dollahon  I've been thinking a lot about Mary, being that it is Christmas time and all. Actually since I first became pregnant eight years ago with my son Shepherd, Mary and I developed a kinship -

Here's a recent question I received: Hi Craig, The other day, a Jewish friend and I were speaking on the subject of Heaven.  Using only the Old Testament, since my friend is Jewish, where did the Jews go after they died?  I’ve spent some time

A Thanksgiving countdown to help you grow gratitude in your life, your family and in your sphere of influence: 13.  Remove the poison of discontent.  Confess areas of discontent, entitlement and ingratitude to God and prayerfully ask for a clean, grateful heart. 12.  Build

Review by Stacey Tuttle I have been perusing some of the comments and reviews about Megamind.  Some focus on the positive elements: the rather clean sense of humor, the redemptive qualities and the idea of destiny, often quoting the line, “destiny