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The Bounty Hunter – Movie Review By: Stacey Tuttle When most movies are about new relationships forming, or old relationships busting up, it is always refreshing to find a movie about people putting relationships back together.  In The Bounty Hunter, circumstances essentially

Letters to God – Movie Review By: Stacey Tuttle With most movies, it takes a little creative thinking to find the natural intersections of faith and culture hidden within.  Letters to God requires no such creative thinking.  The only creativity required

Date Night – Movie Review By: Stacey Tuttle Personally, I find it so disappointing to go to a movie that has so much potential and find it largely wasted.  Our general purpose in these movie reviews isn’t really to give a commentary

The following is an excerpt from a recent message.  Listen to the full audio version here. Because we all get the spiritual wind knocked out of our sails from time to time, God commands us to encourage one another.  But what does

Listen here:  [audio:]  Subscribe to the free Transform podcast.   The following text is a partial transcript of a recent message by Craig Smith.  You can listen to the full message here: Because authentic Christian living depends on authentic Christian encouragement, God commands us

I've been travelling in Asia for the last several weeks.  As you probably know, most of Asia holds to Buddhist or Hindu (or a mix of the two) religious beliefs.  Having spent several years here when I was growing up,

Valentine’s Day Movie Review by Stacey Tuttle “Love’s the only shocking act left on the planet.”  It’s an interesting statement made in Valentine’s Day.  One, I believe, that hits on far greater truth in reality than what is shown in the movie. 

Shutter Island  Movie Review by Stacey Tuttle Warning: Spoilers “What would be worse?  To live as a monster or to die as a good man?” That is the critical question, the pivotal point in Shutter Island.  The whole of the movie works to

The Wolfman Movie Review by Stacey Tuttle Instead of delving into a review of plot and story, I would simply like to point to some provocative quotes from the Wolfman movie which could easily lead to some interesting discussion.   Hopefully this will

When in Rome Movie Review by Stacey Tuttle Essentially, When in Rome is a story about a jaded girl who doesn’t really believe in sweep-you-off-your-feet kind of love.  Beth is always “waiting for the shoe to drop” in a relationship.  Then she