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As a Christian speaker I occasionally find myself waiting in airports.  Last weekend was one of those times.  I was at the gate waiting to board my plane when a young woman made her way to the seat next to

Here's a question I just received.  I'm blogging about it today because its a question I get on a pretty regular basis. Hi Craig,  I wanted to ask a couple of questions.  I have been told that when Paul refers to

I love the Olympics. I love everything about it: the athletic excellence, the patriotism, the personal stories, the competition…all of it. And I’m not even a huge sports fan. But the Olympics, well…it’s different. For this year’s Olympics, my excitement

I'm at my home church this weekend, something I really value since the whole Christian speaker gig keeps me on the road and away from home too many Sundays.  This weekend I'll be serving as lead worshipper.  As I've been

I've been thinking about joy a lot lately.  I have not been thinking about all the technical distinctions we try to make between "joy" and "happiness", though I suppose there is some validity in those distinctions.  No, my thoughts have

Some conversations I’ve been having lately have sent my thoughts drifting in the direction of science. In particular, I’ve been thinking about one little bug: the Bombardier beetle. Okay, even if you don't like bugs, hang with me for a few

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed! Movie Review Don’t ever doubt that God has a sense of humor. In case you’ve ever doubted, this should settle any lingering uncertainties: God has used Ben Stein to offer what is quite probably the most significant contribution