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Review by Stacey Tuttle For every example of noble, sacrificial love there are at least a thousand examples of self-serving , shallow love.  It’s Complicated was a story about several people with the latter type of love, each using the other

Review by: Stacey Tuttle  It isn’t all that often that Hollywood produces a main stream movie about sacrificial love.  There have been a few that have stood out to me: Gran Torino, The War (Kevin Costner), Life is Beautiful (Ok, it

Avatar By: Stacey Tuttle While there are a variety of interesting topics for discussion from Avatar [1] the topic which is probably most obvious and of greatest concern to Christians centers around the New Age philosophy which permeates Avatar.  Neytiri teaches

Star Trek A Man of Two Worlds In the 2009 movie, Star Trek, Spock struggles with having parents of two very different worlds. His mother is human, his father Vulcan. Those two cultures have substantial differences in their values – most notably

Thor – Movie Review Review by Stacey Tuttle There is something that seems critically different to me when you take a story about beings with super-human physical and/or mental abilities and, instead of calling them superheroes, call them gods.  I cannot help