Tough Questions: Is there any proof or incidence that confirm the presence of God?
It depends entirely on what you will admit as evidence. For example, there are many scientists who have little or
Rome or Greece: Interpreting the Fourth Kingdom in Daniel 2
In Daniel 2, there is a prophecy about a large statue made from four different metals, each symbolic of a
The Nephilim and the Sons of God in Genesis 6:4
I get questions about the Nephilim from Genesis 6:4 all the time. With several recent book series and movies based on speculation about what it might mean that the “sons of God married daughters of men”, producing the Nephilim, I thought it was time to weigh in on this long-standing puzzle from the Bible. After some careful investigation, I believe that it is possible to give solid answers to most questions about the Nephilim based almost entirely on information to be found within the Bible itself, rather than turning to sensationalistic speculation and outright myth.
Harvesting the Fruit of God’s Word: Part III: Tools for the Harvest
Growing up in the farmland of Ohio, I was no stranger to farm machinery. Although our family did not own
7 Load-Bearing Truths from Genesis
I’ve been reading Genesis the last couple of weeks and thought I’d share some truths that have really been driven
Why Blogging?
As you may have noticed, several of the Shepherd Project staff have started blogs and you might wonder why. The
Pure Truth Pastors Conference
“Strengthening Christian leaders in Zimbabwe.” Last fall, Shepherd Project’s president, Dr. Craig Smith, had lunch with Onias Tapera, a church development
Climate of Confusion – Christians and Global Warming, Part 1
As is so often the case these days, the "discussion" about climate change has devolved into nothing but name-calling, ranting
Four Truths for Uncertain Times
Dr. Craig A. Smith teaches four sure truths that enable us to face the future with confidence, regardless of what
Outreach – That Actually Reaches Out
For several years now I've been in a position that has led leaders in churches all over the country to