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Click here to read SPM’s review/discussion of Iron Man 3. Stark:  “A famous man once said, ‘We create our own demons.’ What it means, I don’t really know, but he said it.  Now I say it.  So, now it’s being said

Iron Man 3 is what we’ve come to expect from the franchise.  The dialogue is witty and snarky. The action is non-stop.  The characters are flawed, but it’s their very flaws that make them feel real and likeable (and a

The Shepherd Project staff recently began a fascinating conversation about creativity.  This is a subject that is important to most of us for personal reasons – we’re all fairly “creative” types - but our discussion about creativity was occasioned by

Read SPM’s review of 42 here! Narrator:  “Baseball is a democratic thing.  It doesn’t know how big you are…it only knows how well you play.” Narrator:  “There were 400 players on the Major League base ball roster, and all of them were

In our culture where the celebrity has usurped the hero in terms of our praise and adoration, in a time where we are so skeptical of those who might deserve our praise, always waiting for the catch, the fall, that

Here's a fairly common question someone asked me again recently: I can't seem to find the word "Lucifer" in my Bible anywhere. Isn't that Satan's real name? If it's not, where did we get that name for him? In common

Click here to read SPM’s The Host Movie Review/Discussion of Spiritual Parallels. “Earth is at peace.  There is no hunger. There is no violence.  The environment is healed.  Honesty, courtesy and kindness are practiced by all.  Our world has never been