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Click here to read our Lucky One movie review. Logan:  “You know, the smallest thing can change your life.” Logan:  “Sometimes finding the light means you must pass through the deepest darkness.  At least, that’s how it was for me.” Logan:  “Why did

Logan to Ben:  “You’ll be the guy next to me.  That’s how marines work.  You don’t worry about yourself.  You worry about the guy standing next to you.”   There is this brilliant moment in The Lucky One when the newcomer in

In the action-packed, laugh-filled blockbuster, The Avengers, Loki, a god-like being from Asgard, comes to earth with plans to take over.  He wants to rule…he needs to rule.  Rather than focus on all the psychological reasons why he needs this,

Check out our Avengers Movie Review here! Loki:  “Freedom is life’s great lie.  Once you accept that, you will know peace.” Fury about the Avengers:  “These people may be isolate, unbalanced even, but I believe, with the right push, they can be

Judy,   Again, thank you so, so much!  I am in your debt!   Attached is the powerpoint I am currently using for the introduction to Acts as well as the quiz.  I’m afraid I don’t have any real lecture notes like you were

By Stacey Tuttle Katniss:  “To hate the boy from District 1 [who killed Rue], who also appears so vulnerable in death, seems inadequate.  It’s the Capitol I hate, for doing this to all of us.” If I were in Katniss’ shoes, if

By Stacey Tuttle “I’ve spent so much time making sure I don’t underestimate my opponents that I’ve forgotten it’s just as dangerous to overestimate them as well.”[1] Katniss did well to know her opponents’ strengths.  It was smart not to underestimate them.