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  Click here to read our review of Les Miserables. Bishop to Jean Valjean:  “You left so early, you forgot, you left the best behind…  Use this precious silver to become an honest man.” Bishop to Jean Valjean:  “God has raised you out

  Whatever you may think about the various choices the directors made in this current version of Les Miserables—you like the singing, you don’t like the singing, or the close-ups, or what have you—wherever your personal tastes may lie, almost none

  “You really believe this?” “Yeah.” “What convinced you?” “Her confidence.” Maya was recruited by the CIA out of high school.  She had been with the bureau for more than a decade, and all she had done was hunt for Osama Bin Laden.  Even when

Click here to read our Zero Dark Thirty Review. About a detainee:  “He has to learn how helpless he is.” “In the end, everybody breaks, bro.  It’s biology.” “They attacked us – on land…sea…air…and what have we done about it?” Maya:  “A lot of

Click here to read SPM's movie review and discussion points from Life of Pi!    Pi:  “What has mamaji told you?” Writer:  “That you have a story that would make me believe in God.” Writer:  “I didn’t know Hindu’s say ‘Amen’.” Pi:  “Catholic Hindu’s

Click here to see our Playing for Keeps movie review. George:  “You ever wonder what it would’ve been like if I hadn’t screwed it all up?” George:  “How’d you get to be so much more grown up than me, Stace?”                 Stacie:  “Somebody