Four Simple Truths About the Bible Everyone Seems to Forget, Part 3
3. Reading the Bible Doesn't Require Special SkillsLet’s get one thing very clear right up front: I believe in the inspiration of Scripture. What that means is that I believe that God Himself is the ultimate Author of every word
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty – Quotes
Click here to read Shepherd Project's discussion of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, and see how it parallels the Christian life! Todd Maher (online dating rep): You left the “been there, done that” section blank. Walter Mitty: Yeah, well, I skipped
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty – Movie Discussion
To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life. LIFE magazine motto It’s a different kind of movie, and the responses to
Saving Mr. Banks – Quotes
Click here to read Shepherd Project's discussion of Saving Mr. Banks! Narrator: Wind in the east, mist coming in, like something is brewing, about to begin. Can’t put my finger on what’s in store, but I feel what will happen all
Saving Mr. Banks – Movie Discussion
Walt Disney surely didn’t expect that his promise to his kids to make a movie of their favorite book would turn out to be such a challenge. It took twenty years simply to get an audience with the author of
Four Simple Truths About the Bible Everyone Seems to Forget, Part 2
2. The Bible was written for us, but it wasn’t written directly to us. [box_dark]Got less than 5 minutes to get your truth-fix? View the condensed video version of this article at our new Sound Bites channel: [button link="" variation="blue"]View Channel[/button][/box_dark] God
Grudge Match – Quotes
Click here to read Shepherd Project's discussion of Grudge Match. Announcer: Kid be came a spokesman for everything from jockey to jock itch. Why’d you give it up? Kid: I never told anyone, but deep down, deep inside, I wanted to dance. Kid: Did
Grudge Match – Movie Discussion
One part Grumpy Old Men, another part Rocky, Grudge Match was a hilarious romp with surprising gravity as it delivered its messages about life and forgiveness. Razor and Kid were the two big boxers of their day. They had fought two
Four Simple Truths About the Bible Everyone Seems to Forget, Part 1
Obviously the Bible is an incredibly important book. Even non-Christians have to recognize that biblical principles are foundational to Western culture. You can say what you want about certain parts of the Bible that you might not like for whatever
Help strengthen Christians all over the world
(can't quite make it out? Click the image above for a full-screen version) It's not too late! You can still enable Shepherd Project Ministries to encourage, equip and strengthen Christians all over the world in 2014. Your donation will enable us
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug – Quotes
Click here to read a Shepherd Project's discussion of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug! Gandalf to Thorin: Take back your homeland! Galdalf: What did you find? Bilbo: My courage. We’ve lost the path. Legolas: Is this your brother? Gloin: That’s my wife!! Orc: Kill her! Kill
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug – Movie Discussion
[box_dark] These movie discussions are intended to help you connect your Christian faith to the modern world by: 1. Helping you learn to see echoes of redemptive truth all around you. 2. Challenging you to help other Christians see that their relationship with Jesus cannot be confined to
Christmas Truth – How Well Do You Really Know the Christmas Story?
The sad truth is that most of us think we know the Christmas story better than we actually do. Worse still, by confusing traditional "details" with biblical truth, we both miss important truths about Christmas and make assumptions that are sometimes significantly
The Book Thief – Movie Discussion
[box_dark] These movie discussions are intended to help you connect your Christian faith to the modern world by: 1. Helping you learn to see echoes of redemptive truth all around you. 2. Challenging you to help other Christians see that their relationship with Jesus cannot be confined to
The Book Thief – Quotes
Click here for a discussion of The Book Thief. Death: One Small fact: You are going to die. No one lives forever. Death: One piece of advice: when your time comes, don’t panic. It never seems to help. Death: Once in a while,