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  Click here to read SPM’s review of Jobs. Jobs:  What it represents is as important as what it is.  …  It’s a music players.  It’s 1,000 songs in your pocket. Jobs:  The system can only produce a system. A degree is a waste

  “You may see them as crazy.  We say they are genius because the ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world usually do.” Jobs, the movie about Steve Jobs who founded Apple, left me so…conflicted. That’s not

Click here to read our discussion of Planes.   Hmmm…  A crop duster wanting to be a racer—you ask me, more racers should want to be crop dusters. Dusty:  Why would I want to be coached by a plane who doesn’t even fly? At

Christian speaker and Shepherd Project executive director addresses faith and doubt, one of the great taboo subjects in the church: For information about booking Craig for a conference or other Christian event, visit his website.

[button link="" variation="sky"]Listen via Podcast[/button] As August draws to a close, millions of young men and women are headed off (or back) to college where they will, hopefully, have their horizons expanded and their minds sharpened.  Unfortunately, for those Christians among

The idea of someone dreaming of doing something greater than he (or she) seems cut out for certainly isn’t a new one.  In fact, it’s not even particularly fresh this summer, as Hollywood just gave us Turbo, the movie about

The Christian world can't seem to make up its mind about demons.  On one side of the spectrum, there are plenty of Christians who never think or talk about demonic forces operating in the world today.  On the other side,

In our recent pastors conference in Zimbabwe, Dr. Craig Smith shared about the tools for Biblical interpretation.  He didn’t teach Greek or Hebrew.  He didn’t teach about using various commentaries and dictionaries and a plethora of outside resources.  He taught

  Click here to read Shepherd Project’s review of Wolverine.    Wolverine:  Go ahead and ask me where I found it. Ok – where did you get it? Wolverine:  Well, I’m glad you asked. Wolverine:  I’m not going to Japan. Yukio:  It would be an insult