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Click here to read Shepherd Project's review of R.I.P.D. Get a robe or something, you’re asking too much of that towel. I think you’re smellin’ what I’m sellin’. Nick:  Ever think about hiding this place a little better? Roy:  How long’s it been since

R.I.P.D. is essentially a Men in Black knock off, that replaces the aliens with dead souls who refuse to go to hell.  I’ll be honest - I was hoping it would be better.  It wasn’t all that funny or engaging. 

Click here to read Shepherd Project’s Review of Turbo. Guy:  As my dear father used to tell me, no dream is too big and no dreamer is too small. Kim Ly:  You got a plan, taco man? Chet:  Left turn, Left turn.  Oh,

At its heart, Turbo is a movie about dreams and dreamers. Theo is a snail who dreams of racing…obviously his fellow snails generally find him absurdly ridiculous and are less than supportive.  Racing isn’t exactly in a snail’s nature, except that

Click here for a list of discussion points and questions to help you connect Pacific Rim to matters of faith. Kaiju – Giant Beast Jaeger – Hunter Narrator:  The World came together, throwing aside old enemies, working together for the common good. Narrator:  Jaegers

In Pacific Rim, the world is facing an apocalypse.  Dinosaur-like alien monsters are arising from the earth’s core and wiping out humanity.  Mankind is fighting against these beasts (called kaiju) with humongous robots.  These aren’t the kind of robots that

Click here to read SPM's review of The Lone Ranger. Tonto:  Dead man strikes fear into heart of his enemy. Will:  Wait a minute.  You’re saying you’re Tonto?  THE Tonto? Tonto:  There was another? Tonto:  Come a time, kemosabe, when good man must wear

Click here to read SPM’s review/discussion of Despicable Me 2.   Gru, dressed as a fairy princess:  “It is I – GruZinkerbell”   Kid:  “How come you’re so fat?” GruZinkerbell:  “Because my house is made of candy and sometimes I eat to deal with

Click here to read a SPM's discussion/review of World War Z which draws parallels between the zombie virus and sin. Click here to read 3 further discussion points between World War Z and the spiritual life. If we knew where this thing started,